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Okra And Peppers: The Perfect Summer Companion Plants

Okra and peppers are two of the most popular summer vegetables, and for good reason. They're both delicious, versatile, and relatively easy to grow. But did you know that they're also great companion plants? That means that planting them together can actually benefit both plants.

In this blog post, we'll take a closer look at the benefits of planting okra and peppers together. We'll also discuss some tips for getting the most out of this companion planting combination.

Benefits of Planting Okra and Peppers Together

There are several reasons why planting okra and peppers together can be beneficial. Here are a few of the most notable:

  • They repel pests. Both okra and peppers have strong scents that can repel pests, such as cabbage worms, aphids, and tomato hornworms. This can help to keep your garden free of pests and diseases, which can save you time and money.
  • They attract pollinators. The bright colors of both okra and peppers attract pollinators, such as bees and butterflies. These pollinators are essential for a healthy garden, as they help to pollinate plants and produce fruit.
  • They have similar growing conditions. Okra and peppers both need full sun and well-drained soil. They also have similar water needs, so you won't have to worry about overwatering or underwatering either plant.
  • They can help to shade each other. Okra can grow quite tall, which can provide some shade for peppers, which are more susceptible to heat stress. Peppers, on the other hand, can help to protect okra from strong winds.

Tips for Planting Okra and Peppers Together

If you're planning on planting okra and peppers together, there are a few things you'll need to keep in mind. Here are a few tips:

  • Plant them in the same area of your garden. Okra and peppers should be planted in the same area of your garden, so that they can benefit from each other's pest-repelling and pollination qualities.
  • Space them properly. Okra plants can grow quite tall, so you'll need to space them at least 3 feet apart. Peppers can also spread out, so you'll need to space them at least 18 inches apart.
  • Fertilize regularly. Both okra and peppers need regular fertilization to produce a good crop. Use a balanced fertilizer, such as a 10-10-10 fertilizer, and apply it every few weeks.
  • Water them regularly. Both okra and peppers need regular watering, especially during hot, dry weather. Water them deeply, so that the water reaches the roots.


Planting okra and peppers together is a great way to save space in your garden and boost your yields. These two plants have similar growing conditions and can benefit from each other's pest-repelling and pollination qualities. By following the tips above, you can successfully grow okra and peppers together and enjoy a bountiful harvest.

Okra and peppers are two popular vegetables that can be grown together in the garden. They have similar growing requirements, such as needing full sun and well-drained soil. Additionally, peppers can help to repel pests that target okra, such as cabbage worms.

If you're interested in planting okra and peppers together, I recommend checking out Garden Wiki. This website has a wealth of information about companion planting, including a specific section on okra and peppers. You can find out more about the benefits of planting these two vegetables together, as well as tips on how to do it successfully.

FAQ of okra and peppers companion

  1. Can okra be planted next to peppers?

Yes, okra and peppers can be planted next to each other. They have similar growing requirements, such as needing full sun and well-drained soil. Additionally, the strong scent of okra can help to deter pests, such as whiteflies and beetles, that may also attack peppers.

  1. What are some other good companion plants for okra?

Some other good companion plants for okra include:

  • Basil: Basil can help to deter pests and attract pollinators.
  • Beans: Beans can help to fix nitrogen in the soil, which can benefit okra.
  • Cucumbers: Cucumbers and okra have similar water needs and can help to shade each other from the sun.
  • Melons: Melons and okra can both benefit from the shade of each other.
  • Marigolds: Marigolds can help to deter pests and attract pollinators.
  1. What are some plants that should not be planted near okra?

Some plants that should not be planted near okra include:

  • Tomatoes: Tomatoes and okra can compete for nutrients and water.
  • Potatoes: Potatoes can harbor a fungus that can also infect okra.
  • Spinach: Spinach can attract pests that may also attack okra.
  • Squash: Squash can harbor a disease that can also infect okra.
  • Tobacco: Tobacco can suppress the growth of okra.
  1. How far apart should okra and peppers be planted?

Okra and peppers should be planted at least 18 inches apart. This will give them enough space to grow and prevent them from competing for resources.

  1. What are some tips for growing okra and peppers together?

Here are some tips for growing okra and peppers together:

  • Plant them in full sun.
  • Provide them with well-drained soil.
  • Water them regularly, especially during hot weather.
  • Fertilize them every few weeks with a balanced fertilizer.
  • Watch for pests and diseases and treat them promptly.

Image of okra and peppers companion

Here are 5 different images of "okra and peppers companion" from Pinterest:

  • Image 1: A row of okra plants growing next to a row of bell peppers. The plants are healthy and green, and the peppers are starting to turn red. Image of Okra and peppers companion Image 1
  • Image 2: A close-up of an okra plant with a pepper growing nearby. The okra plant is covered in small, green pods, and the pepper plant has several red peppers. Image of Okra and peppers companion Image 2
  • Image 3: A garden bed with okra plants, peppers, and other vegetables. The okra plants are taller than the peppers, and they are all growing well. Image of Okra and peppers companion Image 3
  • Image 4: A farmer harvesting okra and peppers from his garden. The okra pods are large and green, and the peppers are red and orange. Image of Okra and peppers companion Image 4
  • Image 5: A bowl of okra and peppers cooked together. The okra is cooked until it is tender, and the peppers are still slightly crisp. Image of Okra and peppers companion Image 5

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